import React, { FC } from 'react'; Biome transforms in into this: import type React from 'react'; import type { FC } from 'react'; This transformation is incorrect, should be: import React, { type FC } from 'react'; Code of Conduct I agree to follow Biome's Code of Conduct...
import { Box, Button, Typography } from '@mui/material' import { useCallback, type FC } from 'react' import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone' export interface ImageDropProps { onDropedImage: (imageUrl: string) => void } const ImageDrop: FC<ImageDropProps> = ({ onDropedImage ...
create-react-app 新创建的项目,还是用的 ReactDom.render ,如下: importReactfrom'react' importReactDOMfrom'react-dom'//《---react 17使用的ReactDOM importAppfrom'./App' import'./index.css' ReactDOM.render( <React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById('root') ) ...
在JavaScript 中,特别是在 TypeScript 和 Flow 类型系统中,import type 与 import 有一些重要的区别。...```typescript // someTypes.ts export type Foo = { bar: string; }; // main.ts import...
,请添加以下行: export {}; 这会将文件更改为不导出任何内容的模块。.../animal.js"; type Animals = Cat | Dog; TypeScript使用import type扩展了导入语法,该导入类型是只能导入类型的导入。...即使您正在使用上面的ES模块语法进行编写,简单了解Comm...
因此构建后路径不会更改。方法二 通过以下方式将SVG作为react组件导入:
HI, my pc crashed. i only could make a robocopy from my harddisk. Now i want to install a brandnew Windows with outlook . After that i will import my...
{ "hasHeaderRow": true, // REQUIRED "columns": [ { "column": "Event Name", "action": "keep", "field": "" }, { "column": "Custom Type", "action": "keep", "field": "" }, { "column": "Email", "action": "keep", "fie...