i will define two sesion to write the operating table and operating columns in server. two step tell the customer where and how many columns they can update. 列显示名称1:真实列名1#列显示名称1:真实列名1#列显示名称1:真实列名1 //get the data from excle string strConn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet...
Create a link to open up Excle file from SSRS report. create a report in a Vertical Table format(Like column Names in each row, and their corresponding values in the next column) Create and install SSL certificate in the Report Server Creating a SSRS Form Letter based on a Data Query Cre...
优点:1.采用ODBC数据库的方式(适合存储大量数据链接数据),通过database和CRecordset创建excel,读取excel,导入导出excel; 2.才用这种方式相比于传统的文件导出excel(文本+tab键)和csv(文本加分号)最显著的特点在于支持excle模板(可以实现颜色,字体的控制等),同时在需要算法处理例如遍历,排序的时候有数据库的支持可以...