The declaration of module *.svg in vite client.d.ts does not export any const ReactComponent, due to which tsc throws error, while build. Also, since @rollup/plugin-url is used by default (I guess or some other Rollup Plugin), and is called before svgr plugin, even after using enforc...
importReact = require('react'); exportconst ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>; const src: string; exportdefaultsrc; } 然后在 tsconfig.json 中加入: 注意2 、通过对 create-react-app 进行 eject , 查看配置发现,还需要给 webpack 加入配置: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
as React.ComponentType<JSX.IntrinsicElements['svg']>;,它表示“这是一个 React 组件,它采用了 <svg> 元素的所有属性”。 import * as React from "react"; interface SVGIconProps { width: string | number; color: string; name: string; } const SvgIcon: React.FC<SVGIconProps> = ({ width, ...
Bug We are building a shared component library inside a react dom + react native project. apps / dom-app1 / native-app1 packages / package1 <--- React native svg used here / package2 we are using react-native-svg in one of the shared pac...
vite-svg-loader Vite plugin to load SVG files as Vue components vite vue svg jpkleemans •5.1.0•a year ago•128dependents•MITpublished version5.1.0,a year ago128dependentslicensed under $MIT 1,199,806 vite-plugin-svgr Vite plugin to transform SVGs into React components ...
importSvg,{Circle}from'react-native-svg'; The<Svg>component is a parent component needed to render any SVG shape. It’s like a container component for all your SVG shapes. If you’re rendering any SVG shape, such as a circle or a polygon, you must use this as a wrapper around your...
import{ faHome, faUser }from'@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import{ FontAwesomeIcon }from'@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'; library.add(faHome, faUser); // 在 Vue 组件中注册 FontAwesomeIcon 组件 Vue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon); ...