The example in readme doesn't work import { saveAs } from 'file-saver/FileSaver'; === This work for me import saveAs from 'file-saver'; var blob = new Blob(["Hello, world!"], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}...
对于npm,可以使用以下命令安装file-saver: bash npm install file-saver 安装完成后,检查node_modules目录下是否存在file-saver文件夹,以及package.json文件中是否包含了file-saver的依赖项。 确认import语句的语法是否正确: 对于ES6模块,你应该使用以下语法导入file-saver: javascript import { saveAs } from 'file...
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'; import { analyze, setting } from '@/lib/dexie'; import DialogAddView from './components/DialogAdd.vue'; import DialogEditView from './components/DialogEdit...
import{Component}from'@angular/core';import'@mescius/spread-sheets-angular';import*asGCfrom"@mescius/spread-sheets";import'@mescius/spread-sheets-io';import'@mescius/spread-sheets-charts';import'@mescius/spread-sheets-shapes';import{saveAs}from'file-saver';... ...
to import the file. In this example, we imported a local file, but you can do the same with the file on the server. If importing files from a server, you need to reference this location. Here is an example of an input element where the user can enter the location of a file: ...
First of all create Excel workbook as shown in image below and insert some data into it. Please design excel sheet like whatever I shown in image I want to copy this data into a SQL Server Database Table, calledExcel_table, with the same schema. Design your tables in database like this...
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { marked } from 'marked'; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import hljs from 'highlight.js'; import 'highlight.js/styles/dark.min.css';@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@import { openDB, deleteDB } from 'idb';...
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `${filename}.xlsx`) } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Excel 导出失败: ${(error as Error).message}`) } } const handleExport = useThrottleFn(async () => { if (isExporting.value) return isExporting.value = true try { if (! { throw ...
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import hljs from 'highlight.js'; import 'highlight.js/styles/dark.min.css';@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@import { openDB, deleteDB } from 'idb'; import { ENDPOINT as SERVER_ENDPOINT } from '$lib/contants'; import Error from './+error.svelte';export...