Though raster datasets can be loaded directly into a file or enterprise geodatabase (mobile not supported), it is recommended to create Mosaic datasets to reference raster datasets for better performance and efficient raster management. Table To Geodatabase Converts one or more tables to geodataba...
Zum Importieren oder Laden von Raster-Daten in eine Enterprise-Geodatabase ist eine ArcGIS Desktop Standard- oder ArcGIS Desktop Advanced-Lizenz erforderlich.Klicken Sie in ArcCatalog oder im Fenster Katalog mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Geodatabase, und zeigen Sie auf Impor...
The Esri File Geodatabase (FileGDB) format is a file-based database for vector and raster data. It is identified by the suffix.gdb, for example,myDatabase.gdb. It supports many GIS data types such as points, lines, polygons, 3D geometry (multipatch), raster, and so on. It is the...
此工具可用于通过导入包含配置关键字、参数和值的文件来定义企业级地理数据库的数据存储参数。 使用情况 此工具仅适用于企业级地理数据库。 通常,您需要先运行导出地理数据库配置关键字工具来获取包含地理数据库现有配置关键字和参数值的文件。更改此文件,然后使用导入地理数据库配置关键字工具来导入所做更改。 ...
The steps below are instructions for formatting XY data, in decimal degrees, using Microsoft Excel, and converting these data into a shapefile or geodatabase feature class in ArcMap. There are several table formats that ArcMap can read to bring point data into ArcMap as an event theme. ...
Import FileGDB (Esri File Geodatabase) The Esri File Geodatabase (FileGDB) is a file-based database for vector and raster data. It can be identified as folder with the suffix .gdb. For example, myDatabase.gdb It is a file-based database with support for
beim Importieren von Raumpolygonen zum Verbessern der Qualität importierter Daten verwendet. Raumpolygone, die als Splitter identifiziert werden, werden in die zur Prüfung vorgesehene Geodatabase aufgenommen, die sich im Scratch-Ordner desArcGIS Pro-Projekts befindet. Der Standardwert ...
TheArcGIS MaritimeImport S-57 to Geodatabasetool supports the import of S-57 products. During the import process, a product configuration file in XML format is referenced to map the S-57 objects and attributes to the geodatabase. If necessary, you can copy and edit the product configurat...
Rasters, or ground overlays contained in a.kmlor.kmzfile, are converted into a mosaic dataset in theTarget Geodatabaseparameter. The source rasters referenced by the mosaic dataset are stored in their native format in a subfolder named after the mosaic dataset. This is located at the same ...
ArcGIS-Geoverarbeitungswerkzeug zum Definieren von Datenspeicherparametern für eine Enterprise-Geodatabase, indem eine Datei importiert wird, die Speicherschlüsselwörter und Parameter beinhaltet.