It will be ececuted normallly in pycharm. However, when I use command shell, it will cause that: Soultion: "add the following codes in to" #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""add 'parent path' to system path so that the script can call 'parent directory'"...
import - Python: Importing modules from parent folder - Stack Overflow hat's wrong with justimport ptdraft.nib Update: It seems that the problem is not related to the module being in a parent directory or anything like that. You need to add the directory that containsptdraftto PYTHONPATH Y...
步骤4:在父目录中创建一个Python脚本 接下来,我们需要在父目录中创建一个Python脚本,用于导入子目录中的模块。 withopen("parent_directory/","w")asfile:file.write("from sub_directory.module import hello\n\nhello()") 1. 2. 上述代码创建了一个名为""的Python脚本文件,并在其中导入...
方法一:使用sys.path.append() sys.path是一个包含 Python 解释器在导入模块时会搜索的路径的列表。我们可以通过将上一级目录的绝对路径添加到sys.path中来实现导入上一级目录的文件。下面是一个示例: importsys sys.path.append('/path/to/parent/directory')importmodule 1. 2. 3. 4. 这样,Python 解释器会...
请问我这个import为啥会报错啊 贴吧用户_0M458Za 贡士 6 你这个不是包,没有init文件,如果不是包要引入文件里的函数,是from .xxx import xxxx 谁给糖跟谁走 探花 11 pycharm不能识别sys.path里加的路径,可以将对应的文件夹Mark Directory as成source root登录...
You can configure the IDE to automatically add import statements if there are no options to choose from. Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Editor | General | Auto Import. In the Python section, configure automatic imports: Select Show import popup to automatically display an imp...
Included in acommitcommand to remove a file or recursively delete an entire directory from the branch. If the file or directory removal makes its parent directory empty, the parent directory will be automatically removed too. This cascades up the tree until the first non-empty directory or the...
Pythoncode in one module gains access to the code in another module by the process of importing it. 简单来说,我们日常看到的.py文件,都称作是一个module。 当你的 python 代码需要获取外部的一些功能(一些已经造好的轮子),你就需要使用到import这个声明关键字。import可以协助导入其他 module 。(类似 C ...
Included in acommitcommand to remove a file or recursively delete an entire directory from the branch. If the file or directory removal makes its parent directory empty, the parent directory will be automatically removed too. This cascades up the tree until the first non-empty directory or the...
pythonrun.c pytime.c random.c sigcheck.c strdup.c structmember.c symtable.c sysmodule.c thread.c thread_foobar.h thread_nt.h thread_pthread.h traceback.c wordcode_helpers.h Tools .bzrignore .gitattributes .gitignore .hgeol .hgignore ...