pip install pypdf PyPDF2不再被使用,因此一些名称已更改为https://pypdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/...
on pythonanywhere bash console, I installed pyPDF2 using pip install. when I run the app, always getting error at below line: from PyPDF2 import PdfReader **error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyPdf2 ** Need help to resolve this...thanks I tried installing pypdf and using that...
在Python中,from pypdf2 import pdfreader这条语句试图从pypdf2库中导入一个名为pdfreader的模块或对象。然而,实际上在PyPDF2库的当前版本中,并没有直接名为pdfreader的模块或对象可供导入。正确的做法通常是从PyPDF2中导入PdfFileReader类,用于读取PDF文件。因此,正确的导入语句应该是:python...
Missing Module Error: 'PIL' and ImageTk Module Not Found * from PIL import ImageTk, Image root = Tk() root.title("Images") root.iconbitmap("C:/Users/[name]/mu_code, ImageTk doesn't work either., > and type this: import PIL ., PIL (PIL is in fact not always imported this wa...