問題: Civil 3DからInfoDrainageに集水域を読み込むことができません 原因: 集水域オブジェクトは、InfoDrainageに書き出す前にCivil 3Dのパイプネットワーク構造を参照していません。 解決策: 集水域は、パイプネットワークとともにCivil 3DからInfoDrainageに書き...
问题: 如何将 Civil 3D 地形表面 (LandXML) 导入 Revit? 解决方案: Revit 无法直接读取 Civil 3D 地形表面。但是,可以采用不同的方法将这些曲面从 Civil 3D 转换到 Revit 并转换回: 在 Revit 中链接地形 使用新的链接地形命令(Revit 2019
问题: 您想了解如何确保以正确的纬度和经度将联机地图导入到Civil 3D图形中。 解决方案: 在命令行中,键入MAPSTATUSBAR,然后选择“show”。新项目将显示在屏幕底部的状态栏上,单击小三角形,然后选择“库”以选择坐标系,该坐标系现在将在图形中设置 键入COORDS,并将值
Problem:Beim Importieren einer Punktdatei in Civil 3D 2019 stürzt das Programm ohne Fehlermeldung ab. Umgebung:Windows 10 Ursachen:Windows 10-Update Lösung:Aktualisieren Sie Windows 10 auf den Build 1809 oder höher. Siehe auch: Civil 3D friert beim Import...
Data you import becomes AutoCAD drawing objects in your map. To connect to the data in its original format, see To Bring In GIS Features. To import data from other formats Do one of the following: Import data from an Oracle data source. Click Insert tabImport panelMap Import. You ...
Na stroniePorównaj jednostki porównaj jednostki użyte zgodnie z definicją z pliku ADSK w obiekcie placu budowy z jednostkami użytymi w bieżącej sesji programu Autodesk Civil 3D. Wszystkie elementy sterujące na tej stronie są tylko do odczytu. Należy ich używać jako...
IFC Alignment Import/Export Plug-In for Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D - Including an IFC C# Early Binding together with the respective Generatorbefore. Many countries have already made the IFC format compulsory for public construction projects with Singapore, Finland, the US and Great Britain being ...
Civil 3D Community Forums
Autodesk, Inc. 26 reviews OS: Language: Description The SketchUp Import plug-in allows you to import SKP files into your Autodesk® AutoCAD® drawings. Use the IMPORTSKP command to convert a SketchUp file, stored in a local or shared folder, and insert the model into the current drawing...
3D Area calculation The 3D area of a polygon covered by a DTM can be calculated. Pythagoras Road Design This option, completely integrated in Pythagoras, allows the creation of a profile used during road design. The vertical curves, may be either parabolas or circles. The user has many ...