Solved: I'm having trouble importing points created with a Topcon Hyperlite+ and FC-2000 (gps based survey equip.). I have exported the data to just
final_layer_name = config_outputs[layer]['namelayer']# Transforming the vector fileosm_geometries = {'points': QGis.WKBPoint,'lines': QGis.WKBLineString,'multilinestrings': QGis.WKBMultiLineString,'multipolygons': QGis.WKBMultiPolygon} geojson_layer = QgsVectorLayer(item['geojsonFile'],"te...
This provides the ability to export a QGIS point, line, or polygon layer as a Google Earth KMZ file. It can export single, categorized, and graduated QGIS symbology. For others it will default to not exporting the symbology. For points it captures the entire symbol, but for lines and poly...
final_layer_name = config_outputs[layer]['namelayer']# Transforming the vector fileosm_geometries = {'points': QGis.WKBPoint,'lines': QGis.WKBLineString,'multilinestrings': QGis.WKBMultiLineString,'multipolygons': QGis.WKBMultiPolygon} geojson_layer = QgsVectorLayer(item['geojsonFile'],"te...
2.使用GeoServer+QGIS发布WMTS服务 3.使用GeoServer+OpenLayers发布和调用WMTS、Vector Tile矢量切片服务 4.Leaflet入门:添加点线面并导入GeoJSON数据 OpenLayers与Leaflet都是开源WebGIS组件中的佼佼者。之前的WebGIS系列博客中,重点以OpenLayers为JavaScript库,获得了广大GISer的关注。本文将对Leaflet进行详细介绍。所有代...
Does anybody know how to import a topoJSON file to represent some points in a shape map? When I try to import it, query assistant openns and I dont know how to continue. This is the structure of the topoJSON file: {"type":"Topology","objects":{"Espiras":{"type":"Geometry...
try: _entry_points = entry_points().get(namespace, []) except AttributeError: _entry_points = entry_points().select(group=namespace) So maybe you're looking at an old CI run? i have opened a revert pr, there the doc build is still failing, can you cross check please?
You want to 'import' the shapefile so they will be converted from ESRI feature data objects to AutoCad entities such as Acad plain vanilla points, Acad plain vanilla lines or Acad plain vanilla polygons. Importing will effectively put you and your drawing in an AutoCad drawing environment. At...
The remaining 0.7 tonnes had to be left on Aldabra due to unsafe sea conditions that made removal from one of the smaller collection points (Cinq Cases) impossible. Of the litter collected and removed from Aldabra, the largest component by weight was fishing-related items (buoys, nets, FADS ...
Does anybody know how to import a topoJSON file to represent some points in a shape map? When I try to import it, query assistant openns and I dont know how to continue. This is the structure of the topoJSON file: {"type":"Topology","objects":{"Espiras":{"type":"Geometry...