在python3.x下使用如下代码: import cPickle as pk 会报如下错误: ImportError: No module named 'cPickle' 原因:python2有cPickle,但是在python3下,是没有cPickle的; 解决办法:将cPickle改为pickle即可,代码如下: import pickle as pk python编程需要格外注意python2和python3,因为python3并不兼容python2。 -...
import是导入库的意思 导入pickle库,as是重命名 所以整句意思:导入pickle库并把库另命名为p
(5)打乱顺序 2.2 pickle模块 2.3 random.shuffle产生固定种子 2.4 zip()与zip(*) 函数: 2.5 map、for快速遍历方法: 2.6 glob模块 2.7 os模块 2.8 判断图像文件为空和文件不存,文件过小...
from pickle import TRUE import pandas as pd sales = pd.read_csv('sales.csv',sep=',') sales['R_Quartile']=pd.qcut(sales.recency,4,["4", "3", "2", "1"]).astype('str') sales['F_Quartile']=pd.qcut(sales.frequency,4,["1", "2", "3", "4"]).astype('str') sales['M...
import pickle import os import time import math import numpy as np import shutil # 更正为正确的库导入 解释每个导入库的基本用途: import pickle:用于序列化和反序列化Python对象结构。可以将Python对象转换成字节流,以便保存到文件中,也可以从字节流中恢复出Python对象。 import os:提供了许多与操作系统交互...
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle (openai#844) Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history pickle.dumps() is called on line 87. master (openai/gym#844) v0.10.5 … 0.10.6 cclaussauthored andjoschucommittedFeb 3, 2018 ...
importcPickle,base64 frommaya.utilsimportexecuteInMainThreadWithResultasexecute classSceneScript(object): """Save scripts in the scene file.""" dict_name="scripts" def__init__(self): """Initialise the dictionary.""" ifpm.fileInfo.get(self.dict_name,None)isNone: ...
return pickle.loads(task.result) except EOFError: # if task.result is None this exception will raised pass return None @property def error_message(self): """ Returns the error-message as string. If no error has occured returns an empty string. """ task = self._get_task() if task: ...