Image Service; Map Server Source Cache Type Imports a cache from a cache dataset or tile package to a cached map or image service running on the server. Map or image service cache—A map or image service cache that is generated using ArcGIS Server. It can be used in ArcGIS Desktop and ...
マップ サービス キャッシュ ステータスの管理 (Manage Map Server Cache Status) マップ サービス キャッシュのタイルを管理 (Manage Map Server Cache Tiles) マップ サービス キャッシュ格納形式のアップグレード (Upgrade Map Server Cache Storage Format) ...
You can compile it explicitly and put the resulting assembly in your Web site's Bin folder or the global assembly cache. Alternatively, you can put the source code in your site's App_Code folder, where it will be dynamically compiled at run time. This code ex...
Assign PATCH [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importmaps(importmapid)owneridのプロパティを更新する。 AssignRequest Create POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importmaps作成を参照 CreateRequest または Create Delete DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/importmaps(importmapid)削除を参照 DeleteRequest または ...
10259 SearchResultsCache Cache search results internally 10260 Search Telemetry Entity to log telemetry that used to improve search quality 10261 CopilotExampleQuestion CopilotExampleQuestions Component 10262 Site Component 10263 Site 10264 Site Language 10265 Power Pages Site Published 10268 External ...
API Request Cache (msdyn_APIRequestCache) API Request Folder (msdyn_APIRequestFolder) App Action (appaction) App Action Migration (appactionmigration) App Action Rule (appactionrule) App Config Master (AppConfigMaster) App Configuration (AppConfig) App Configuration Instance (AppConfigInstance) App ...
both types of resources block your application from doing important work until they're processed, so introducing a second network round-trip (or even disk-cache round trip) is a bad idea. If your heart is set on using external import maps, you can attempt to mitigate this round-trip penalt...
Image Service; Map Server Quellcache-Typ Importiert einen Cache aus einem Cache-Dataset oder Kachelpaket in einen gecachten Karten- oder Image-Service, der auf dem Server ausgeführt wird. Karten- oder Image-Service-Cache—Ein Karten- oder Image-Service-Cache, der mithilfe von ArcGIS Server ...
Note, however, that storage parameters for LOB data cannot be altered prior to export (for example, chunk size for a LOB column, whether a LOB column is CACHE or NOCACHE, and so forth). Note that LOB data might not reside in the same tablespace as the containing table. The tablespace...
Import maps provide a way out of this dillema, by decoupling the module specifiers that appear in import statements from the URLs on the server. For example, our site could start out with an import map like { "imports": { "/js/app.mjs": "/js/app-8e0d62a03.mjs", "/js/dep.mjs"...