针对你的问题“import "crypto/internal/nistec" is a program, not an importable package”,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 理解错误信息: 错误信息表明你尝试导入的 "crypto/internal/nistec" 被识别为一个程序,而不是一个可导入的包。在Go语言中,这通常意味着该路径下的内容不是设计为供外部包导入...
最近学go 想从main 类里面掉用其他类的方法,出现了import "aaa" is a program, not an importable package 标题中的错误。1. 主要原因是 go 和Java不一样,import 引入的必须是包名而不是类名。package 名必须与所在包名一直(copy害死人)。2. public 方法首字母必须是大写,否则会出现 undifined的错误。
也可以参考如下链接: https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/problem-with-import-not-an-importable-package/1182 https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/import-github-com-abcd-xyz-is-a-program-not-an-importable-package/7885/5 我们维护有一系列开发者社区,如果对Go语言感兴趣,可以加妹子微信grey0805,加你进群交...
import ".../test" is a program, not an importable package 是一个程序,不是一个可导入的包 报错原因:要导入的包的文件中有 package main 解决办法: 将test包中go文件中的 package main 改成其他包,如 package test
import "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway" is a program, not an importable packagego list package _ ("github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway") This way is not allowed in version 1.21. Just delete this file and install the go bina...
https://github.com/golang/vgo 安装vgo异常: main.go:28:8: import "cmd/go" is a program, not an importable package
This is the error raised test.go:3:8: import "github.com/yunfeiyangbuaa/BBS04_signature" is a program, not an importable package my test.go is simply package main import "github.com/yunfeiyangbuaa/BBS04_signature" func main(){ params:=pb...
在正常的构建中,由于//go:build tools,该文件将被排除。有两个可能的原因导致此错误。
To determine if a business entity is enabled for import, see the entity metadata for the specific entity. If an entity is enabled for import, the entity metadata property IsImportable is set to true. The value of this property can’t be changed for the out-of-the-box business entities. ...
The alias must be unique within a workspace but does not have to be unique within a domain. That is, a process/schedule with the alias of RS_ACME can exist in multiple workspaces in the same domain. During import, the process/schedule in...