1、右击项目,New->Folder,然后将jar包复制粘贴到目录下,右击选择Build Path->Add to Build Path;
这个还真木有办法,最好的办法就是保证网络畅通,或者挂一个VPN。他其实是在下载gradel以及一些库的依赖操作,这些都取决于网络速度(这里的速度不是电信的网速,而是你的网络到资源服务器的速度) 0 回复 相似问题为啥输入浏览器的命令后一直转圈,在控制台ctrl+c后才开始执行? 877 0 7 ebook.vue代码都拷贝过来了,...
I've enabled offline mode for gradle and switched from "build with gradle" to "build with intellij", because only this works for me in case of composite builds. My composite build consist of 300 projects, so it's hard to say which project it does not lik...
要安装Andriod Support Repository的,如果你已经安装了还是报错,那就是ANDROID_HOME设置的不对,应该是android-studio/sdk,而不是android-studio.Gook luck!
xxx-project/build.gradle文件:修改Compile SDK Version和Build Tools Version参数。(这个是单个module的配置,project中每个module都需要修改) 3. 参数修改完成,开始正式导入项目。一般情况下,这时候可以很顺利的就导入到Android Studio中来了。如果仍然卡在导入界面,那么只能乖乖的等了…… ...
[参考link] -1- git clone(但是不要着急打开) -2- Import Project -3- File / Project Structure / Project Settings -3.1- Project *Project SDK -3.2- Modules / Dependencies *Module SDK *export *模块依赖里面报错library has broken path 参考...
(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.gradle.bs.importer.GradleBuildServerProjectImporter.importToWorkspace(GradleBuildServerProjectImporter.java:171) at org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.internal.managers.ProjectsManager.importProjects(ProjectsManager.java:162) at org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.internal.managers.Projects...
Gradle: 8.5 Steps To Reproduce Create a simple java gradle project, use gradle 8.5 (latest) Load project in vscode Current Result Unable to import project into vscode Additional Informations Error message: Can't use Java 21.0.1 and Gradle 8.5 to import Gradle project ui. Learn MoreActivity...
When I import the project into IntelliJ the Gradle refresh fails with the error: Dependencyverification failedfororg.testng:testng:7.1.0 214artifacts failed verification:... What is odd is that I can successfully build the project from the terminal using ./gradl...
I used to clone gradle project and imported it in to myeclipse. But its not works as expected. not identifying Java8+ features when it imported. Please advise me on that. (but same project works well in IntellJ. we do only gradle and java version configs there) Also, one thing to know...