Use the operations in this section to import route data saved in watch memory or external route data* saved on Google Drive, and display it as a reference route during an activity measurement operation. Imported routes are displayed as gray lines on the map during Activity measurement operations....
Import & Merge GPX / KMLImport a route tracking file from a GPS deviceYou can load a route from GPX or KML files.Browse your computer to select your file then click "Send!". Merging files on "Yes" allows you to complete your route with the previously sent file. Select "No" if you...
移动与智慧屏应用ID Token模式接入华为帐号(OpenID Connect) 移动与智慧屏应用Authorization Code模式接入华为帐号(OAuth 2.0) 仅申请OpenID或UnionID的应用接入华为帐号快捷登录 接口说明 登录帐号 静默登录 退出帐号 帐号取消授权 独立授权(可选) 获取图标资源(可选) HuaweiIdAuthButton控件使用指导 开...