!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
Publish Google sheet to the web, then use web URL in Power BI Desktop. This isn’t proper for confidential data. Download as Microsoft Excel from Google Sheets. Then get data from excel file. This may be an easy way. Best Regards! Dale Community Support Team _ DaleIf this post helps,...
GoogleClient.Shared.GoogleClientBaseException in android project Getting the error "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Input string '0.0' is not a valid integer. " Getting: Error: Ambiguity between 'MyPage.nameEntry' and 'MyPage.nameEntry' all over the place Go back to MainPage if there is...
We are using a lot of these importations in G-sheet with the formula "IMPORTDATA" and would like to migrate these G-sheets to Excel Online. Many thanks for you help, Robin
Hello everyone, Aim to manage my files, I use Excel [Get Data] - [From File] - [From Folder] to import the filenames into Excel sheet.Then I add one new...
Publish Google sheet to the web, then use web URL in Power BI Desktop. This isn’t proper for confidential data. Download as Microsoft Excel from Google Sheets. Then get data from excel file. This may be an easy way. Best Regards! Dale Community Support Team _ DaleIf this post help...
In response to Anonymous 11-17-2020 11:01 PM Hello @Anonymous I can't see any table buffer here. Can you try this let Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\Users\hh\Desktop\folder\Test power.xlsx"), null, true), CostX_Sheet = Table.Buffer(Source{[Item=...
Need to Transform Excel Sheet into a Template Format to Import to Tool Hello, Every time we place an order for hardware, the vendor sends us back an Excel sheet with all of the information that will be configured on the systems. This sheet is, best way to describe ...
AlaSQL can query data directly from a Google spreadsheet. A good "partnership" for easy editing and powerfull data manipulation. See more aboutGoogle Spreadsheets and AlaSQL in the wiki Miss a feature? Take charge andadd your ideaorvote for your favorite featureto be implemented: ...
The lack of β-sheet-breaking prolines is a plausible but insufficient explanation of the amyloid phenotype since the Thioflavin signal hardly increased when prolines were eliminated from the original Mac98A FG domain (Supplementary Fig.2). We, therefore, assume that also the perfectly repetitive ...