1、Pycharm配置github信息 操作路径:File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Github 配置信息:配置github的用户名密码,点击test查看连接是否成功 2、Pycharm配置本机Git路径 操作路径:File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git 配置信息:配置本机git.exe所在位置的路径 3、Pycharm创建Git仓库 操作路径:VCS ...
which can allow it to only look at files that have changed since the last run. The plan is to have it check that it's inside a git repository where it will run through files to be committed if no
So I tried to get the "domain" argument located in /spiders/thorough_spider.py in the class "ThoroughSpider". So in my pipelines.py file, I wrote: importspiders.thorough_spider in order to import the module thorough_spider which conains the varaible ThoroughSpider.domain But...
Importing the numpy c-extensions failed. - Try uninstalling and reinstalling numpy. - If you have already done that, then: 1. Check that you expected to use Python3.7 from "C:\Users\tamar\PycharmProjects\liquidation\liquidation\liquidation.exe", and that you have no directories ...
I wanted to be IDE independent, so tweaking PyCharm configuration is not possible. I wanted it to be committed to repository so it had to work for others and can't contain absolute paths. The solution in my case was to add the following snippet to the MAIN section of the pylintrc fil...
我们刚刚用Anaconda下载了torch包,接下来只需要将Pycharm中python的解释器换成Anaconda的python路径即可,具体步骤: File–Settings–Project:xxx–Project Interpreter–show all–点击“+”添加–System Interpreter–D:\develop\Anaconda3 \python.exe(划线部分换成你自己Anaconda的安装路径即可),到此成功解决Pycharm中impo...
As a side note, I believe those problems are not caused by PyCharm. 0 Aceroraptor Created August 08, 2018 22:25 This issue has been a thorn in my side ever since we did a repository re-org. I was able to access individual library modules under a particular folder. I would referen...
报错问题:Failed to import package with error: Couldn’t decompress package 今天在导入一个资源包的时候突然提示报错:Failed to import package with error: Couldn’t decompress package 遇到这种错误有两种可能 1. 资源包的路径中或者资源包的名字含有中文!
git does not appear to be a git repository错误,求解 git push时候遇到这个错误的解决方法如下:在mac上面搭建的一个git server,在mac上面新建git仓库 python问题Unsupported characters in input,求改 代码我运行了没有问题,结果如下 官方证券交易,2023证券交易软件官网,免费下载 证券交易官网,指南针证券交易...
有个外国人遇到的情况如下: Not sure how but the below change sorted my issue: i was havingthe name of file and import name samefor eg i had file name as emoji.py and i was trying to import emoji. But changing the name of file solved the issue . ...