You can open GIS imagery files to project images embedded with display information over specific map coordinates in the 3D viewer. Files using NAD83 projection are not supported by Google Earth. TIFF (.tif), including GeoTiff and compressed TIFF files ...
This algorithm manually allows the user to specify an image and enter the north, south, east, west and rotation parameters to convert the input image into a GeoTIFF image. If rotation is not zero, the output GeoTiff is compatible with QGIS, but may not be compatible with other programs. ...
I'm on the geo API already but no code pushed yet. My plan is to usegoogle/open-location-codeas primary key for our database and get the data from a private OpenStreetMap instance, so basically it's a cache for our use case (labeling photos). Not sure if that works out, but it...
the other is 3DEM, the program that I used to convert the geotiff to a dem, doesn't load the geotiff from the new server. We have some civil engineers in our office who use civil3D and we have tried going that route too with no success. Google Earth and sketchup only allow you ...
Limited support has been added to convert embedded ground overlay images into GeoTIFF images.KML Tools can be found in the QGIS menu under Vector->KML Tools and Raster->KML tools, on the tool bar, or in the Processing Toolbox under KML Tools. It has three vector tools and two raster ...