Soultion: "add the following codes in to" #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""add 'parent path' to system path so that the script can call 'parent directory'"""importos, sys#sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))sys....
For example, a module in theparent folderwould be imported withfrom .. import module. The__init__.pyfile signals to Python that the folder should be treated aspackage. Problem Formulation Problem: How to import a file or a module from another folder or directory in Python? Example: Say, ...
上述代码创建了一个名为""的Python模块文件,并在其中定义了一个简单的hello函数。 步骤4:在父目录中创建一个Python脚本 接下来,我们需要在父目录中创建一个Python脚本,用于导入子目录中的模块。 withopen("parent_directory/","w")asfile:file.write("from sub_directory.module import hello\...
importfile2# 使用file2中函数时需加上前缀"file2.",即:# file2.fuction_name() 2.导入下级模块 导入下级目录模块也很容易,需在下级目录中新建一个空白的__init__.py文件再导入: fromdirnameimportxxx 如在file1.py中想导入dir3下的,首先要在dir3中新建一个空白的__init__.py文件。 -- dir0...
For more information, refer to Exclude files from reformatting. Optimize all imports Select a file or a directory in the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project). Do any of the following: In the main menu, go to Code | Optimize Imports (or press CtrlAlt0O). From the ...
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘result.csv’ 详细代码:,可以利用这个代码自己做相关测试 一、 所需先验知识 1、 首先需要了解工作目录(working directory) 工作目录表示运行python文件时使用的目录,有些也称为工作空间(working workspace),...
我们在根目录下运行Python的交互式界面,首先导入一下father,然后尝试访问它的子目录daughter和son >>>importfather>>>father<module'father'(<_frozen_importlib_external._NamespaceLoaderobjectat0x102ff74c0>)>>>father.daughterTraceback(mostrecentcalllast):File"<stdin>",line1,in<module>AttributeError:module...
it then searches for a file named in a list of directories given by the variable sys.path. sys.path is initialized from these locations:The directory containing the input script (or the current directory when no file is specified). PYTHONPATH (a list of directory names, with the ...
import python file form a sub directory Hi, I am trying to import a python file called in the subdirectory rules into my file. (Subdirectory in the same directory as the file) I have used; importrules.myrules ...
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool 使用绝对导入方式也会导致一些问题,当我们导入本地目录的模块时,Python经常会找不到相应的库文件而抛出ImportError异常。解决这样的问题最为简单的是将本地目录添加到sys.path列表中去,在pycharm中可以对文件夹右键选择Mark Directory as->Sources Root。