import excel[using]filename[,import_excel_options]*导入excel文件中的部分变量(字段) import excel extvarlistusingfilename[,import_excel_options]*描述excel文件中每个sheets(工作表)的数据范围 import excel[using]filename,describe*导出数据为excel文件exportexcel[using]filename[if][in][,export_excel_options...
stata import excel "data.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow(variables) clear 执行上述命令后,Stata将读取data.xlsx文件中的数据,并将其加载到当前的数据集中。你可以使用Stata的其他命令来查看、分析和处理这些数据。 希望这些信息能帮助你在Stata中成功导入Excel文件!如果你有任何其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随...
Title import excel — Import and export Excel files Description Syntax Remarks and examples Also see Quick start Options for import excel Stored results Menu Options for export excel References Description import excel loads an Excel file, also known as a workbook, into Stata. import ...
在我的电脑D盘的数据文件夹下有一个名为test(后缀.xlsx)的Excel文件(可通过后台回复test获取),这个Excel文件里有auto、driving和states三个工作表(sheet),如果我想要将auto这张工作表的数据导入到Stata中,那么我就可以使用如下的一行命令: import excel "D:\数据\test.xlsx", sheet("auto") firstrow cl...
RE: st: Import excel issues stata12 From: "David Radwin" <> Prev by Date: Re: st: Combining seperate graphs into one Next by Date: st: conditional option in mi ice or ice Previous by thread: st: Import excel issues stata12 Next by thread: RE: st: Import ...
. import excel metro_gdp.xls, cellrange(A6:L373) clear In Stata, we open the Data Editor to inspect the loaded data. The first row of the data we loaded contained column labels. Because of these labels,import excelloaded all the data as strings.import excelagain has an easy fix. We ...
SAS通过IMPORT过程读取外部文件数据 使用IMPORT过程导入带分隔符的文件外,Microsoft Access数据库文件、Miscrosft Excel工作簿、 dBase文件、JMP文件、SPSS文件、Stata文件、Paradox等。 IMPORT过程的导入数据的基本形式如下: 其中:
使用IMPORT过程导入带分隔符的文件外,Microsoft Access数据库文件、Miscrosft Excel工作簿、JMP文件、SPSS文件、Stata文件、Paradox等。 IMPORT过程的导入数据的基本形式如下: PROC IMPORT DATAFILE=文件名|文件引用|DATATABLE=表名 DBMS=数据源标识符 OUT=数据集名称; ...
Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the...
Excel import/export Order Watch video demo Stata for Windows, Mac, and Linux can directly import data and export data and results to Microsoft Excel files. Both Excel.xlsand.xlsxfiles are supported. Above you see the preview tool, which you can use to see the data in an Excel worksheet ...