There are several ways to import data from Excel files to SQL Server or to Azure SQL Database. Some methods let you import data in a single step directly from Excel files; other methods require you to export your Excel data as text (CSV file) before you can import it....
The below example shows how to import Excel file to SQL database in C# or VB.NET. The Excel will be imported to a DataSet and later, the records can be inserted into the database using SQL syntax. C#.NET VB.NET // Create an instance of the class that imports Excel filesExcelDocument...
However, I have to work on the assumption that the columns in my excel may not have the same name, or the number of columns as the SQL database. Therefore, there must be a logic where I can map respective excel columns to the SQL columns. Please help me shed some light on my situa...
excel导入导出到数据库(Excel import and export to database) 使用系统; 使用system.collections.generic; 使用LINQ系统; 使用系统文本; 使用; 使用; 使用系统数据; 使用系统反射; 命名空间常见 { excelio公共类 { 私有_returnstatus; _returnmessage字符串; 私人...
Import data from Excel to existing SQL Server table Excel 2003 (.Xls) file: InsertintoSQLServerTableSelect*FROMOPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=D:testing.xls;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]') Excel 2007 (.Xlsx) file: ...
Hello SQL Team, I'm new to SQL Server & I just created a database and need to import an Excel file. The problem is that the 3 methods of importing the file has failed. If I use ta...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (7 Replies)Show Parent Replies SivertSolem Iro...
Hello SQL Team, I'm new to SQL Server & I just created a database and need to import an Excel file. The problem is that the 3 methods of importing the file has failed. If I use ta...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (7 Replies)Show Parent Replies SivertSolem...
'The input is not a valid Base-64 string' ERROR 'type' does not contain a definition for 'length' 'Word.Application' is not defined "aspnet_compiler.exe" exited with code 1 "Cannot create ActiveX Component" "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC" Unable to open excel file "Failed to compa...