When importing the .dwg into Illustrator I get the error below. It seems when Illustrator is drawing the path it gets stuck on a point, gives up and draws a straight line back to the first point. I've checked the problem point in question it's exactly the same as every other point ...
I am running AI CS4 and I need to import either a DXF or DWG file into illustrator. Can anyone tell me how? I'm relatively new to this software and having to figure stuff out on my own so any help is appreciatedViews 870 Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, ...
Illustrator will not open AutoCAD files saved in a version later than AutoCAD 2007.AutoCAD files include both DXF and DWG formats. You can import AutoCAD files from version 2.5 through version 2007. During import, you can specify scale, unit mapping (custom unit for interpreting all the length...
youwillneedto exchangefilesintotheAutoCADformatingraphicalformat. Throughpersonalpractice,wehavefoundamorefeasible method. Beforeexplainingthismethod,thefirstthingtoexplainis that,intheory,Coreldrawcaneitheropenorimport*.DWG directly, *.DXFandotherformatsofdocuments,butIhavetried,the effectisnotsatisfactory.Even...
The following screen shot shows suggested options in the Illustrator DXF/DWG Options dialog box: Import a DXF file into CityEngine Open thesesame_01.cejscene file. Locate thesesame_streetsketch.dxffile in the data folder. Right-click the file, and chooseImport. ...
Solved: Hi so we have a CNC and we are given illustrator to CAD files, they are exported as SPlines and I need to convert them to Polylines to import
So, I typically receive an EPS file, open it up in Corel or Illustrator, export it as a DWG file, then import to SketchUp. By this time most of the lines and arcs do not retain their smoothness and I end up rebuilding the object in my model. Any thoughts on a way to do this ...
I'm trying to get my plug-in to successfully load its commands only if certain parameters are met like a prefix in the DWG file name. (I know I would have to use GETSYSTEMVARIABLE("DWGNAME") ) I haven't been able to implement a restriction successfully.Also, is there a way to loa...
Illustrator will not open AutoCAD files saved in a version later than AutoCAD 2007. AutoCAD files include both DXF and DWG formats. You can import AutoCAD files from version 2.5 through version 2007. During import, you can specify scale, unit mapping (custom unit for interpreting all the length...