进入bin目录,按住shift键然后点击鼠标右键可以选择在该目录下打开命令窗口,或者在地址栏中输入cmd进入命令窗口。输入mysql -u root -p后回车,然后会提示输入密码,输入密码后就会进入MySQL的操作管理界面。 输入show databases;(注意末尾有分号)可以查看当前MySQL中的数据库列表,输入use test;可以进入test数据库(前提是要...
1.use cmd command to locate the mysql bin directory: e.g.,C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin 2. use the command to import data to database: mysql -uroot -p123 sfproject<d:\php\maxtor_bak1 Note: sfproject is the database name. and d:\php\maxtor_bak1 is the backup file. C:\Program Fi...
3. 使用管理员打开cmd * net start mysql : 启动mysql的服务 * net stop mysql:关闭mysql服务 * MySQL登录 1. mysql -uroot -p密码 2. mysql -hip -uroot -p连接目标的密码 3. mysql --host=ip --user=root --password=连接目标的密码 * MySQL退出 1. exit 2. quit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
mysqlimport为MySQL服务器用命令行方式导入数据补充说明mysqlimport命令 为mysql数据库服务器提供了一种命令行方式导入数据工具,它从特定格式的文本文件中读取数据插入MySQL数据库表中。语法mysqlimport(选项)(参数) 选项-D:导入数据前清空表; -f:出现错误时继续处理剩余的操作; -h:MySQL服务器的ip地址或主机名; -u...
To import a database, first create a new blank database in the MySQL shell to serve as a destination for your data. CREATE DATABASE newdatabase; Then log out of the MySQL shell and type the following on the command line: mysql -u [username] -p newdatabase < [databa...
122;80;"1968-06-15"; cmd that i use on mysql : load data local infile '/home/emf/DATA.txt' into table T_EXTENSIONSANTE FIELDS ENCLOSED BY '"' TERMINATED BY ';' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; I have tried several format of date including : ...
Alternatively, you can use the LOAD DATA command directly from the Command Line (CMD). mysql> load data infile -> 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/import into mysql.csv' -> into table tb_students_cmd -> fields terminated by ',' ...
After that, you are ready to import each tables using MySQL Shell: We can see that the data is now present in MySQL: You repeat the same operation for each tables you want to load into MySQL Database Service. In case you have not usedsqlcmdand Object Storage, but you preferred ...
go run ariga.io/entimport/cmd/entimport -dsn"postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/test?sslmode=disable" Import ent schema from MySQL database go run ariga.io/entimport/cmd/entimport -dsn"mysql://root:pass@tcp(localhost:3308)/test" ...