When you set domain authentication for a storage system, you must import the CA certificate of the AD domain server to the storage system before selecting LDAPS.Prerequisites The web service has been enabled for the Windows AD domain server....
Method 2 - Import a certificate by using Certutil.exe Certutil.exe is a command-line utility for managing a Windows CA, which you can use to publish certificates to Active Directory. For more information, seecertutil. To import a CA certificate into the Enterprise NTAuth store, follow ...
使用EAC 或Export-ExchangeCertificate和PrivateKeyExportable参数值$true从其他 Exchange 服务器导出的自签名证书。 有关详细信息,请参阅Export a certificate from an Exchange server。 证书颁发机构颁发的证书 (Active Directory 证书服务等内部 CA 或商业 CA) 。
ImportCertificate 方法获取以前颁发的证书,并将其导入证书颁发机构的 (CA) 数据库。 此方法首先在 ICertAdmin 接口中定义。有关证书成功导入所必须满足的要求,请参阅备注。语法C++ 复制 HRESULT ImportCertificate( [in] const BSTR strConfig, [in] const BSTR strCertificate, [in] LONG Flags, [out] LONG...
可以使用两种方法将第三方 CA 的证书导入企业 NTAuth 存储中。 如果使用第三方 CA 颁发智能卡登录证书或域控制器证书,则需要此过程。 通过将 CA 证书发布到企业 NTAuth 存储区,管理员指示 CA 受信任颁发这些类型的证书。 Windows CA 会自动将其 CA 证书发布到此存储。
ImportCertificate方法會採用先前發行的憑證,並將它匯入證書頒發機構單位的(CA) 資料庫。 此方法最初是在ICertAdmin介面中定義。 如需憑證必須符合才能成功匯入的需求,請參閱。 語法 C++複製 HRESULTImportCertificate( [in]constBSTR strConfig, [in]constBSTR strCertificate, [in] LONG Flags, [out] LONG *pRe...
For example, to import the certificate to a server instance: $ dsadm import-cert /local/ds2 /tmp/first-ca-server-certificate Enter the PKCS#12 file password: (Optional) If you have imported the certificate to a server, configure the server to use the imported certificate. $ dsconf set-...
PKI/4/CA_IMPORT_ERR: Importing CA certificate file ([file_name]) failed. Description Failed to import the CA certificate. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning file_name Name of the CA certificate file. Possible Causes 1. The certificate file does not exist. 2. The certificate file nam...
"Error Parsing Request The request subject name is invalid or too long" when trying to create a certificate from a CSR "missing create and submit a request to this ca" is missing in the web certsrv in advanced certificate request "the certificate types are not available" - Windows 10 + Wi...
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 You should only import certificates obtained from trusted sources. Importing an unreliable certificate could compromise the security of any system component that uses the imported certificate. You can import a certificate into any logical or physical store...