css的,去掉 exclude 即可,因为你的 bootstrap是包含在 node_modules里的 有用 回复 文博: 解决就好 1回复2018-08-04 eolike: 去掉了,还是不行。还是抱这样的错。不知道需要什么loader来解析?ERROR in ./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css 7:5Module parse failed: Unexpected token (7:5)Y...
🐛 bug report If you try to import bootstrap .scss files in a .css file in your project, like this: @import 'npm:bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss'; ...parcel will fail to build with this error... Cannot create property 'importer' on string '...
css twitter-bootstrap sass bootstrap-icons 3个回答 6投票 是的,可以通过 scss 导入 bootstrap-icons。 @import "~bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css"; 5投票 您可以导入“bootstrap-icons.scss”文件并像这样编辑字体文件的位置变量 - $bootstrap-icons-font-src: url("../webfonts/boot...
import './../assets/bootstrap.css' export default { name: 'hello', data () { return { } } } 报错信息: ERROR in ./~/_css-loader@0.28.7@css-loader?{"minimize":false,"sourceMap":false}!./src/assets/bootstrap.css Module not...
@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; @import "~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"; 1. 2. 前面加~表示你后面的值为alias, 然后就会去webpackalias配置中找相应的值, 然后拼接成最后的地址, 例如 configureWebpack: { resolve: { ...
2. Add Bootstrap to the React project. With your React application up and running, you’re ready to add Bootstrap as your CSS framework. There are different ways to do this. However, the most convenient option is to include it as a depend...
Community Expert , /t5/dreamweaver-discussions/unable-to-use-import-in-scss/m-p/9870680#M39423 May 04, 2018 May 04, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied Have you added a leading underlying dash to the partials? For example, if you have @import "bootstrap"; @import "mystyles"...
import“~bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less”; 1. 就是告诉 webpack 以模块的方式去加载这个样式文件:去对应的 resolve.modules 定义的文件夹中去寻找对应的样式文件。 配置详解 配置方法(webpack.config.js): module.exports={ //... resolve: { modules: ['node_modules'], ...