导入数据层应用程序 (DAC) 文件 - .bacpac 文件 - 以在新的数据库引擎实例上创建一个带数据的原始数据库副本,或者将此副本创建到 Azure SQL 数据库。 可以将导出-导入操作结合起来在各实例之间迁移 DAC 或数据库,或者创建一个逻辑备份,例如创建部署在 SQL 数据库中的数据库本地副本。
Imports a bacpac into a new database. Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/importOperation Id: Databases_ImportDefault Api Version: 2023-02-
Imports a bacpac into a new database. C# 複製 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Rest.Azure.AzureOperationResponse<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Models.ImportExportOperationResult>> BeginImportWithHttpMessagesAsync (string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string databas...
Deploys schema and import table data from the supplied package to a database. 命名空间:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac 程序集:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll 中) 语法 VB复制 声明PublicSubImportBacpac ( _ packageAsBacPackage, _ targetDatabaseNameAsString, _ creationDefaultsAsDacAzure...
Select the file WideWorldImporters-Standard.bacpac uploaded on step 3: Figure 9. Selecting the bacpac file Specify a database name, login and password for the database and press OK: Figure 10. Database information To verify in your local SSMS, in Azure Portal, select the SQL Server and go...
Click on Import Data-tier Application Click on Next Button. Step 2 Add the bacpac file through Browse option and click on Next button. Step 3 Add the Respective Database name of whatever you want as shown in the figure and Click on Next and a new database will be created with all nece...
storage redundancy while creating a new database and creates with the default geo-redundant backup storage redundancy. As a work around, first create an empty database with desired backup storage redundancy using Azure portal or PowerShell and then import the BACPAC into this empty data...
Import-Export overview With Azure SQL Import-Export users can import a SQL Server database into Azure SQL Database using a BACPAC file or export from an Azure SQL Database into a BACPAC file. BACPA...Show More Updated Oct 25, 2022Version 2.0 azure sql database Comment Sudhir_...
Import a data-tier application (DAC) file - a .bacpac file - to create a copy of the original database, with the data, on a new instance of the Database Engine, or to Azure SQL Database. Export-import operations can be combined to migrate a DAC or database between instances, or to...
To import from a bacpac file into a new single database using the Azure portal, open the appropriate server page and then, on the toolbar, select Import database. Select Select backup. Choose the storage account hosting your database, and then select the bacpac file from which to import....