在Python里面import antigravity 会发现另一个小彩蛋 Tada~ 其实就是打开了xkcd的一个python主题漫画 鼠标停留在图片上,还会看到标题: “I wrote 20 short programs in Python yesterday. It was wonderful. Perl, I'm leaving you. 我昨天用Python写了20个小程序,感觉爽的飞起来了~ Perl 我不要你了。。。”...
importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt 你可以在PythonIDLE中输入import antigravity (反重力)这行语句,回车,就可以在浏览器中看到在Python界非常有名的漫画。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 importantigravity 关于这幅漫画的解释: 1)漫画中的对话来自Python程序员和Perl程序员 2)“飞翔”...
A fancy Qt class library framework. Contribute to canpool/qtcanpool development by creating an account on GitHub.
会通过浏览器打开一个网页。 最后编辑于:
1 Python 之禅? 对于此前没听说过的人,请在 Python 解释器中键入并执行 import this ,会出现由 Tim Peters 撰写的 19 条指导原则: 优美胜于丑陋; 明了胜于晦涩; 简单胜于复杂; 复杂胜于晦涩; 扁平胜于嵌套; 间隔胜于紧凑; 可读性很重要; 特例不足以特殊到违背这些原则; ...
2. The command “pip install” will install a module or package from the Python Package Index (PyPI). 3. Theshould be replaced with the name of the module or package that needs to be installed. About VSCode Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular code editor for Python development. It...
To open a file in Python, use the open() function. The first argument is the name of the file to be opened, and the second argument is a string containing the path to the file. If the file does not exist, it will be created. ...
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