Below is what I see in AutoCAD if I open the DWG file created from CADworx everything is properly shown as seen below: If I import that same file to Revit I get the error of "Revit cannot import some of the geometry.This result can be caused by various issues with the source file....
Prepare CAD file before import it into Revit I imported a CAD file into Revit but it is invisible or it might be too small to be seen; So I am trying to fix it in AutoCAD; when I use Zoom/Extents, the drawing covers the full screen; but when I use Zoom/All, there is...
问题: 某些 Civil 3D 对象(例如道路或管网)在导入到 Revit 后会丢失或扭曲。 解决方案: 适用于没有管网或道路的 Civil 3D 图形 在 Civil 3D 中,打开图形。 使用 EXPORTTOAUTOCAD 命令保存包含已分解 Civil 对象的图形副本。 打开 Revit 并链接导出的图形。 对于包含道
Currently, Revit is not supporting the import of SHP files. To import the content of the SHP file to Revit, consider the conversion of the file to CAD formats such as DWG or DXF. A possible workflow to convert the SHP to a CAD file would be: Open AutoCAD Map 3D. Use the MAPI...
问题: 将 DWG 链接或导入到 Revit 时,显示错误,并且操作失败。 警告 Revit 无法导入部分几何图形。 这一结果可能是由源文件中的各种问题造成的。 调整此文件中的几何图形,然后再次尝试导入过程。 解决方案: 请先清理 DWG 文...
The following products contain this functionality: LiveLink™forSOLIDWORKS® LiveLink™forInventor® LiveLink™forPTC Creo Parametric™ LiveLink™forSolid Edge® LiveLink™forRevit® LiveLink™forAutoCAD® LiveLink™forPTC Pro/ENGINEER®...
Users reported that when trying to import an IFC file into Civil 3D or AutoCAD Architecture / MEP, the following error occurs in the command line: System error encountered during import This can also result in a complete crash ...
Import PTS file to Autodesk® AutoCAD® Points. Resulting DWG can be imported to Autodesk® Revit® Family Editor General Usage Instructions Create PTS file with laser scanning software or ReCap, run PTSIMPORT in AutoCAD. The resulting DWG may be imported into Revit's Family editor. (Re...
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Import over 30 CAD formats into your application with the HOOPS Exchange SDK. Add fast and accurate CAD data access to CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, Revit, Creo, NX, Solid Edge and many more to your application through a single API.