of帮助Costcost资本成本 系统标签: impliedcosthvzcapital隐含earnings EvaluatingCross-SectionalForecastingModelsfor ImpliedCostofCapital by KevinLi UniversityofToronto kevin.li@rotman.utoronto.ca and ParthaMohanram* UniversityofToronto partha.mohanram@rotman.utoronto.ca Abstract:Thecomputationofimpliedcostofcapita...
IMPLIED COST OF CAPITAL WITH STATA Dr. Jun Gu E-mail: gujun@szu.edu.cn Department of Accounting School of Economics, Shenzhen University 第二届Stata中国用户大会 本报告主要内容 ■ 内含资本成本(Implied Cost of Capital)的主要计算方法: – 内含资本成本简介 – 内含资本成本计算流程 – 内含资本成本...
In addition, the derived implied cost-of-capital estimates substantially outperform linear models in their ability to predict future returns. This study illustrates the power of machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy of accounting forecasting. 展开 ...
Characterizing a firm's true (but unobservable) expected returns as the normative benchmark, we develop a two-dimensional framework for evaluating the relative performance of implied cost-of-capital (ICC) estimates. First, in time-series, variations in ICC estimates should reflect changes in true ...
We use earnings forecasts from a cross-sectional model to proxy for cash flow expectations and estimate the implied cost of capital (ICC) for a large sample of firms over 1968–2008. The earnings forecasts generated by the cross-sectional model are superior to analysts' forecasts in terms of ...
文档介绍:What Affects the Implied Cost of Equity Capital? Dan Gode Stern School of Business New York University New York, NY 10012 ***@ Partha Mohanram Stern School of Business New York University New York, NY 10012 ***@ February 3, 2001 ___ ___ We thank Jim Ohlson...
implied cost-of- capital and various firm and industry characteristics. We identify several firm Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. We have bene- fited from the comments and suggestions of Anwer Ahmed, Brad Barber (referee), Michael Brennan, Paul Healy...
We derive a generalized OJ model over a period forecast horizon and indicate the extent of this bias. The implied cost of equity capital is obtained from a quadratic equation, where our constant term comprises short-term annual earnings per share growth rates, rather than just the next-period ...
The opportunity cost of capital implied by the CAPM for US investors is likely to be similar to the cost of capital implied by well-diversified portfolios throughout the world. A.错误 B.正确 点击查看答案&解析手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 牙冠舌侧外形高点位于中1/2的是 A、切牙 B...