EquationsModelsIn many applications of atmospheric transport-chemistry problems, a major task is the numerical integration of the stiff systems of ordinary differential equations describing the chemical transformations. This paper presents a comprehensive numerical comparison between five dedicated explicit and ...
In many applications of atmospheric transport-chemistry problems, a major task is the numerical integration of the stiff systems of ordinary differential equations describing the chemical transformations. This paper presents a comprehensive numerical comparison between five dedicated explicit and four implicit...
We propose second-order implicit-explicit (IMEX) time-stepping schemes for nonlinear fractional differential equations with fractional order $0<eta<1$. From the known structure of the non-smooth solution and by introducing corresponding correction terms, we can obtain uniformly second-order accuracy ...
Re: Implicit vs Explicit method #3 Jim Park Guest Posts: n/a "and so a matrix inversion needs to be performed." To nitpick a little, the matrix doesn't need to be inverted to solve the system for u(n+1); what is needed is to solve the system of simultaneous equations. ...
Implicit-explicit (IMEX) schemes have been widely used, especially in conjunction with spectral methods, for the time integration of spatially discretized partial differential equations (PDEs) of diffusion-convection type. Typically, an implicit scheme is used for the diffusion term and an explicit sch...
Euler (explicit or implicit) #1 anybody Guest Posts: n/a Hi, I have written a little program which solves an ordinary differential equation y'=B*y-A*C*exp(B*x)*sin(C*x). y(x=0) = A. For the integration I have used an explicit and implicit Euler-scheme (first order). ...
Explicit differentiation is used when 'y' is isolated, whereas implicit differentiation can be used similar to the chain rule when 'y' is not...
An implicit function is a function that depends on both x and y in such a way that the two variables cannot be separated across the equals sign without using more than one explicit function (y = f(x)). For example, {eq}xy + y = 2 {/eq} can be rewritten in y = f(x) form ...
A novel explicit and implicit Kinetic Streamlined-Upwind Petrov Galerkin (KSUPG) scheme is presented for hyperbolic equations such as Burgers equation and compressible Euler equations. The proposed scheme performs better than the original SUPG stabilized method in multi-dimensions. To demonstrate the ...
Hybrid implicit / explicit (condition implicit on local features) The following four papers concurrently proposed to condition an implicit neural representation on local features stored in a voxelgrid: Implicit Functions in Feature Space for 3D ShapeReconstruction and Completion ...