implicit condition 蕴涵·蘊涵 meaning (implicit in a phrase) 含义·含義 implicit transaction 隐式事务·隱含交易 implicit tariffs 隐性关税 implicit intersection 绝对交集·隱含交集 implicit price deflator 综合价格换算系数 implicit targeting 隐式目标·隱含顯示目標 更多(+16) 添加...
Implicit intersection has been around in Excel for years, but very few people cared about it. Now that it is no longer the default behavior in Excel 365, many questions arise. This tutorial aims to explain the meaning of the @ sign in Excel formulas, which is called an implicit intersectio...
4. S is the smallest set containing a and closed under f, i.e., it is the intersection of all such sets.25 Dedekind carefully avoided the use of the word 'axiom' to describe the require- ments 1–4 in the above definition, and refers to them instead as "characteristic conditions" [...
Full size image The commonly used implicit representations can be divided into two main groups: standard representations and hybrid representations. Standard representations (Park et al.,2019; Chibane et al.,2020; Mescheder et al.,2019) associate to each point one of its properties related to the...
Discerning the implicit beauty means that you must watch the intersection-point-composed 'images' and figure out the original 'meaning' beyond them. Such a process of experiencing and reflection is what we call 'the aesthetic consciousness.' Therefore, the implicit beauty of images in our daily ...
Next, we defined the intersection of the perpendicular line from the angle with the ocular surface as the surgical limbus on MRI scans. Then, the 3-D vitreous cavity model was imported and designed using three-dimensional (3-D) modeling software (3D Builder; Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA)....
16(d). Given the reversibility of the optical path, the interaction between light rays and boundaries signifies that the radiative intensity emitted from this point of intersection will impact the temperature at which the light source is situated. The comparison results in two scenarios demonstrate ...
Awareness of implicit knowledge is a changing process. Previous studies have examined brain activation patterns corresponding to the start and end stages of implicit learning, but failed to reveal the gradual changing course of awareness in implicit lear
“those who come from a lower SES are dishonest or lazy” or a general disgust of those from a different economic background. In addition, some participants noted the intersection of “Area of Residence” and race in their bias. For example, one respondent wrote, “When driving through a ...
At the intersection of humanity and technology: a technofeminist intersectional critical discourse analysis of gender and race biases in the natural language processing model GPT-3 M. A. Palacios Barea D. Boeren J. F. Ferreira Goncalves AI & SOCIETY (2023) Associated content Cognition, societ...