Opportunity Cost:在企业生产领域,某项生产上的机会成本是将投入用于该项目而放弃用于其他用途上可能得到的最大收益。Explicit Cost:指厂商在生产要素市场上购买或租用所需的生产要素的实际支出。这些支出是在会计账上作为成本项目记入账上的费用,包括支付给劳动力的工资、购买原材料、燃料、动力和运输等所支付的费用,以...
Yes,total opportunity cost = explicit costs + implicit costs机会成本=外显成本+隐含成本外显成本意即实际支出 隐含成本则为时间 效益等…---normal profits 正常利润:成本的一个组成部分,支付给企业家资本投资的报酬.accounting profits 会计利润:由财务会计 根据会计准则计算出的利润,运用了大量的估计和判断.正常...
Explicit costs can be determined easily. However, implicit cost does not have a track and cannot be determined precisely. Estimation of Cost Explicit cost is actually incurred; thus, its measurement is objective in nature. As opposed to implicit cost that occurs indirectly, thereby making the meas...
Definition of Implicit Cost An implicit cost is present but it is not initially shown or reported as a separate cost. Definition of Explicit Cost An explicit cost is a cost that is present and it is clearly shown or reported as a separate cost. Examples of Implicit Costs and Explicit ...
implicit cost 隐含成本 隐性成本;隐成本;隐藏成本 隐性成本指公司损失使用自身资源(不包括现金)机会的成本。相对于显性成本(explicit cost)而言,指厂商自己所拥有的且被用于该企业生产过程中的那些生产要素的总价格。企业生产的隐成本是指厂商本身自己拥有的且被用于该企业生产过程的那些生产要素的总...
网络显成本和隐含;外显成本和隐含成本 网络释义
opportunity cost 分为 opportinity cost of time 和 opportunity cost of financial captical,两者都属于 implicit cost, 而 implicit cost 和 emplicit cost 的关系是 economic profit =revenues-emplicit cost-implicit cost=accounting profit-implicit cost ...
Yes,total opportunity cost = explicit costs + implicit costs机会成本=外显成本+隐含成本外显成本意即实际支出 隐含成本则为时间 效益等…---normal profits 正常利润:成本的一个组成部分,支付给企业家资本投资的报酬.accounting profits 会计利润:由财务会计 根据会计准则计算出的利润,运用了大量的估计和判断.正常...
Is Labor an Implicit Cost? Labor can technically be an implicit and explicit cost. In regard to employees, when wages and salaries are paid, labor is an explicit cost to a business. When wages or salaries are foregone, such as that for an entrepreneur starting their own business, labor wou...
Total Production cost–Includes the true economic costs of production(The sum of explicit and implicit costs).Economic costs of production not only include accounting costs but also the opportunity costs of producingeachunit of output. Accounting costs are the explicit costs that appear on the income...