Here is a link to the test should you decide to take it. The test is free and results are kept confidential, but tagged for research purposes. Please refer to the disclaimer. Back to Implicit Bias, Inclusivity, and Workplace CultureEvent...
Implicit Association Test by Millisecond. Free with an Inquisit license for online or in-person psychological research.
L. (1998). Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: the Implicit Association Test. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74, 1464. McConahay, J. B., Hardee, B. B., & Batts, V. (1981). Has racism declined in America? It depends on who is asking and what is ...
The Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT) consists of two blocks of trials with the same four categories and stimulus-response mappings as the standard IAT, but with 1/3 the number of trials. Unlike the standard IAT, the BIAT focuses the s...
无意识偏见实验(Implicit Association Test,IAT)大家好,我是天外来恩。今天我们要为您讲解的是一个非常有趣且富有启发性的心理学实验——无意识偏见实验,即Implicit Association Test(IAT)。这个实验由安东尼·格林沃尔德(Anthony Greenwald)等研究者于1998年首次提出,旨在检测个体在种族、性别等多个维度上的无意识...
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is one of the most often used indirect measures of attitudes, stereotypes, or personality traits in psychology. It is indirect in that participants are not asked to report on their attitudes, stereotypes, or dispositions. Instead, this information is inferred fr...
An implicit association test is an evaluation that's used in social psychology to examine a person's unconscious associations...
Free Trials Sign in Login Sign in Username Password Forgot password? Don't have an account? Sign in via your Institution Sign in with your library card In This Article Expand or collapse the "in this article" section Implicit Association Test (IAT) Introduction Introductory Works General ...
网络内隐联想测验;暗示性联想测试 网络释义
1) Implicit Association Test (IAT) 内隐联结测验(IAT) 2) implicit 内隐 1. Its core structure is divided into two layers,explicit andimplicit,which constitute a dynamic structure changing over time. 主要采用观察、问卷调查、访谈、逻辑分析等方法对体育学法的结构进行系统的分析,结果显示,体育学法由四个...