如何启动Transaction; 共有三种方式1.自动transaction每句statement都是一个transaction.例一个update指令更新多笔纪录, 要就全部成功, 只要失败,全部会回复原值. 2.ExplicitTransaction以Begin Transaction开始(开启) 3.ImplicitTransaction (建议不要用)以Set Implicit_Transaction ON 如何结束Transaction; 共...
Jet 3.0开始支持隐式的事务(Implicit transactions)。当最后一个事务被提交之后,数据库会自动开启一个新的事务。 baike.baidu.com|基于12个网页 3. 隐含式交易 牛的大脑 ... share/exclusive lock( 共享/互斥锁)Implicit Transactions(隐含式交易) Explicit Transactions( 明确式交易) ... ...
From Implicit to Explicit: The Impact of Disclosure Requirements on Hidden Transaction Costsdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3393747corporate bondsretail transaction costsinformation processing costsinformation asymmetrydisclosure regulationfinancial advisersThis paper provides evidence that disclosing corporate bond investors' ...
We describe a true-concurrent approach for managing dependencies between distributed and concurrent coordinator components of a long-running transaction. In previous work we have described how interactions specified in a scenario can be translated into a tuples-based behavioural description, namely vector...
英汉 英英 网络释义 implicit. 显示所有例句 adj. 1. ~ (in sth) 含蓄的;不直接言明的suggested without being directly expressed 2. ~ (in sth) 成为一部分的;内含的forming part of sth (although perhaps not directly expressed) 3. 完全的;无疑问的complete and not doubted ...
In addition, recognition may be either explicit or implicit, and it may be either de jure or de facto, making the task of analysis still more difficult 承认可以是明示的 或默示的, 也可以是法律上的或事实上的,从而使分析工作更加难于进行。 MultiUn This requirement was implicit in the arbit...
(1); GO PRINT N'Use explicit transaction.'; BEGIN TRANSACTION; GO INSERT INTO dbo.t1 VALUES (2); GO PRINT N'Tran count in explicit transaction = ' + CAST(@@TRANCOUNT AS NVARCHAR(10)); COMMIT TRANSACTION; GO PRINT N'Tran count after explicit transaction = ' + CAST(@@TRANCOUNT AS ...
the change from implicit to explicit allocation processes, described in the preceding section, and is needed for effective WDM. wrdmap.org 以上反映了从隐式配水过程向透明的显式 配水过程的转变过程,前面的章节中也介绍了有关内容,这也是 有效的水资源需求管理所需要的。 wrdmap.org The Repertoire ...
Likewise, the kinds of contrastive and overly explicit teaching methods employed by many instructors simplify the complexity of a daily language transaction or real-world experience too much. If language learning is to be internalized through any kind of implicit approach, the implicit nature of ...
Implicit transaction can be specified using features of the OLE DB and ODBC application programming interfaces (APIs). OLE DB OLE DB does not have a method to set the implicit transaction mode specifically. Call the ITransactionLocal::StartTransaction method to start an explicit transaction. When ...