WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(EC.text_to_be_present_in_element_value((By.CSS_SELECTOR,'#su'),u'百度一下')) # 判断指定元素的属性值中是否包含了预期的字符串,返回布尔值 #WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it(locator)) # 判断该frame是否可以switch进去,...
这篇文章 明确表达了自己对“Explicit is Better than Implicit”的理解: Being explicit means being concrete and specific instead of abstract and general. It also means not to hide the behavior of a function. Explicit 意味着要具体、特化,不要抽象、通用。同时不要隐藏函数的行为。 对于要具体、特化,文...
Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass si...
It accesses the AST node from the module where the class is declared, meaning the enclosing query has to re-run whenever the declaring module changes -- which we don't want. Doing it here is mainly about avoiding calling a query (and caching the value which is expensive) in cases where...
Explicit 这个单词释义为: stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt “清楚详细地陈述,不容混淆或怀疑”。翻译成中文有“显式的”、“精密”、“不含糊”、“明确的”等多种翻译。在代码的语境下,什么样的代码才能称得上是 “explicit” 呢?网上看到了不同角度的观点。
018 - INFO - Already save model in output_model_deepfm/0 /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.py:2: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses import imp 2021-12...
All known Golang redis connectors use a connection-per-request model with a connection pool, and provide only explicit pipelining. This connector was created as implicitly pipelined from the ground up to achieve maximum performance in a highly concurrent environment. It writes all requests to ...
This option is kept as to not break the backward compatibility for users who put directly the benchmark data in the zipline data folder. TODO: I'm going to update the error message: Advise the end-user to prefer using the explicit benchmark options provided ...
Current ligand-based machine learning methods in virtual screening rely heavily on molecular fingerprinting for preprocessing, i.e., explicit description of ligands’ structural and physicochemical properties in a vectorized form. Of particular importance to current methods are the extent to which molecular...