importReact,{Component}from'react'importModalfrom'react-bootstrap/Modal'importButtonfrom'react-bootstrap/Button';classCustomModalextendsComponent{constructor(props) {super(props);this.state= {show:false};this.handleClose=this.handleClose.bind(this);this.handleShow=this.handleShow.bind(this); } handleCl...
But when all the logic flows are abstracted away in individual custom hooks, it becomes extremely difficult to create and keep track of a mental modal of all the different flows. As a reader, on the surface, you’re only provided with the minimal amount of code that allows the component...
In addition to all that has been said, we need a way to verify that the correct data type is being passed as a prop to the modal component. This can be achieved with the “prop-type” module in react. propTypes.ErrModal = { message: propTypes.string.isRequired, } propTypes.SuccessModa...
A plug-in is considered modal in the stack of active plug-ins, e.g., when the plug-in application is pushed to make another plug-in application active, it becomes dormant and is not reactivated until all subsequently activated plug-in applications are popped from the stack. Thus, a plug...
In there, we want to wrap the ‘Card’ so an ‘Edit’ button is shown on top of it. When that is clicked, a modal that renders an interface to edit content opens; that syncs any changes back to Contentful via the API. That in turn triggers a rebuild on Netlify, updating the actu...
If you have an app like, which shows a timeline of user’s messages you probably want interactive hyperlinks. In two previous posts I showed how I am customizing UILabel to customize hyperlinks drawing, as well as how to make them react to touche
It is often beneficial to set several related components, such as buttons in modal dialogs, to be the same size so they can be easily recognized as offering similar functionality. You can also adjust the resizing behavior of components to ensure that component relationships are maintained at run... 2) the server returns a light weight page, that displays the loading, and the page makes an ajax call for the actual content. this is probably the easiest to implement in MVC. 3) use a little client script on the submit, to render the busy with...