GPS based(WFQ) packet fair scheduling algorithmInput-queued switchTraditional input-queued switches based on crossbar are insufficient in providing good QoS performance. As a contrast, the CICQ(Combined Input and Cross-point buffered Queuing) switches can provide almost 100% throughput under different ...
An Optimum Multilevel CPU Scheduling Algorithm Central Processing Unit (CPU) scheduling plays a deep-seated role by switching the CPU among various processes. As processor is the important resource, CPU... M Sindhu,R Rajkamal,P Vigneswaran - International Conference on Advances in Computer Enginee...
Hundreds of papers over the last two decades have studied the theory of distributed scheduling in wireless networks, including a number of them on stability or utility maximizing random access. Several publications in 2008 studied an adaptive CSMA that in theory can approach utility optimality without...
After each router has received routing information from the other networking devices, it runs the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to calculate the best path to each destination network in the database. The networking devices running OSPF detect topological...
3) Whole-DAG Scheduling: Recently, there has been some work on scheduling regions of acyclic code larger than a basic block so as to take advantage of static speculation. We describe another such algorithm, known as whole-DAG scheduling, that contains innovations that make it more flexible, ...
After each router has received routing information from the other networking devices, it runs the shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to calculate the best path to each destination network in the database. The networking devices running OSPF detect topological changes in the network,...
This paper presents a generic anytime forward-search constraint-based algorithm for solving planning problems expressed in the CNT framework ( Constraint Network on Timelines ). It is generic because it allows many kinds of search to be ... C Pralet,G Verfaillie - Proceedigns of the Nineteent...
A synchronous operation follows the specified steps of an algorithm where it waits for the previous action to complete to start the next operation. Whereas an asynchronous operation executes each action independently, and the result of the previous action doesn’t affect the flow of the operation....
Calculates the hop-by-hop response time between the router and any IP device on the network. The path is discovered using the traceroute algorithm and then by measuring the response time between the source router and each intermediat...
When using cryptographic authentication, the OSPF routing protocol uses the Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication algorithm to authenticate packets transmitted between neighbors in the network. For each OSPF protocol packet, a key is used to generate and verify a message digest that is appended to ...