Design and Implementation of Basic Logic Gates and Adder Circuits with Memristordoi:10.32628/CSEIT1723216S. Govardhana RaoY. Bhavani Prasad
Abstract–ThispaperpresentsVeryLargeScaleIntegration(VLSI)designandsimulationofaternarylogicgatesandCMOS ternarySRAMcell.TheSimpleTernaryInverter,PositiveTernaryInverterandNegativeTernaryInverteraredesignedin180nm technology.TheTernaryNANDGateandTernaryNORGatearealsodesignedandsimulated.TheternarySRAMconsistsofcross- ...
memristor is used.It is confirmed that the circuits we designed meet the basic Boolean logic function through the theoretical analysis and simulation experimental results by Spice.The basic logic gates designed in the paper do not need sequential operation,and have a great advantage in terms of ...
semiconductor logic gates/ C5230 Digital arithmetic methodsThis paper describes the general schemes for implementing the basic modular operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication in the Residue Number System (RNS). We use semiconductor logic gates in the proposed implementations. A comparative ...
CMOS implementation of XOR, XNOR, and TG gates November 03, 2021 by Lorenzo Mari Learn how to implement the logic gates XOR, XNOR, and Transmission Gate (TG) using CMOS. The CMOS family is the top choice for digital-logic design due to its many advantages. This article shows some ...
In other words, each component is described by some structure composed of basic gates, and their connectivity is similar to that of the various implementations studied during the review. We verify the simulation output of the proposed divider, which depends on the random number generator (RNG) ...
These flip-flops are based on the D flip-flop and latch embedded logic. This logic uses basic gates and universal gates and also Comparing the performance of DDFF with other Flip-flops which are designed for low power and high performance. The basic features of these flip-flops are ...
Work at the Molecular Foundry was supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the US Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. We thank the Rigetti quantum software team for providing tooling support, the Rigetti fabrication team for manufacturing ...
Any combinational logic function can be realised as a two-level circuit. • This is theoretically the fastest implementation since signals have only to propagate through two gates.2 • They can be implemented in a variety of ways, e. g. AND-OR, OR-AND, etc. • Disadvantages: • A...
In this paper, QCA is investigated for the implementation of reversible logics. Six reversible gates can be implemented using QCA basic gates which are unique from the already existing reversible gates (like Toffoli and Fredkin). In the proposed Carry-look-ahead adder circuit both QCA as well ...