1.Write a C# program to implement a stack with push and pop operations. Find the top element of the stack and check if the stack is empty or not. Click me to see the sample solution 2.Write a C# program to sort the elements of a given stack in descending order. ...
x:int)->None:self.push_stack.append(x)defpop(self)->int:# 先进行转移,避免 pop 栈为空self.transfer()# pop 栈顶元素出栈returnself.pop_stack.pop()defpeek(self)->int:# 先进行转移,避免 pop 栈为空self.transfer()# 返回 pop 栈顶元素returnself.pop_stack[-1]defempty...
第一个方法中pop只需要o(1), 而push需要o(n) classMyQueue(object):def__init__(self):""" Initialize your data structure here. """#why use two stack hereself.s1=[]self.s2=[]defpush(self,x):""" Push element x to the back of queue. :type x: int :rtype: None """#把s1中的...
inStack.push(x); } 复杂度分析如下: 时间复杂度:O(1)O(1) 空间复杂度:O(n)O(n),需要额外的空间用于存储队列元素 出队(pop) 在入队时,由于先入的元素处于输入栈inStack的栈底,因此,为了能够弹出栈底的元素实现出队操作,需要将输入栈inStack中的元素弹出并压入到输出栈outStack中。此时,输出栈outStack...
self.stack2=[]defpush(self, x: int) ->None:#pushself.stack1.append(x)defpop(self) ->int:whilelen(self.stack1) !=0: self.stack2.append(self.stack1.pop()) top=self.stack2.pop()whilelen(self.stack2) !=0: self.stack1.append(self.stack2.pop())returntopdefpeek(self) ->int:...
C++ Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a C++ program to implement a stack using an array with push and pop operations. Find the top element of the stack and check if the stack is empty or not.
(stack.pop());size--;}//当前元素压到栈底stack.push(x);size=temp.size();//将原来的还原回去while(size>0){stack.push(temp.pop());size--;}}/** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */publicintpop(){returnstack.pop();}/** Get the front element....
232_queue_using_stacksBPush.png 2.题解: # 使用两个stack,一个正常放入输入值,一个在输出时候使用.classMyQueue(object):def__init__(self):self.input_stack=[]self.output_stack=[]defpush(self,x):self.input_stack.append(x)defpop(self):iflen(self.output_stack)==0:foriinrange(len(self....
Implement a first in first out (FIFO) queue using only two stacks. The implemented queue should support all the functions of a normal queue (push,peek,pop, andempty). Implement theMyQueueclass: void push(int x)Pushes element x to the back of the queue. ...
def push(self, x): """ :type x: int :rtype: nothing """ self.inStack.append(x) def pop(self): """ :rtype: nothing """ self.peek() self.outStack.pop() def peek(self): """ :rtype: int """ if not self.outStack: ...