excited about expo api routes! we'll take a look at this ASAP and should be able to make it work! (we haven't played with the new expo router stuff yet, here's an excuse to do so!) ️ 1 jnsdls added bug react-native labels Jun 14, 2024 joaquim-verges self-assigned this...
I'm trying to learn react, and am setting up routes in my application which require you to log in. I'm trying to adapt the example given here The code I've written should either redirect the user or display the protected route. But when I log in I'm still being redirected. I bel...
Appdome allows the blocking of network connections from the app. Its primary function is to monitor and identify whether a VPN connection is currently active on a user’s mobile device while using the protected app. When a VPN is enabled...
Email verification is a very basic step in the registration process of many applications. If have implemented email configuration in your project then you get lots of benefit like you can forgot password function properly, if user will add wrong content or any Spam i...
The project structure provides a logical hierarchy for both the routes and the components. Their approach also uses webpack to load shared bundles with page specific bundled code. Third Option: Follow the react-router example 'huge-apps' for dynamically loading routes. The project structure provides...
// Apply role permission checks IF the current system is in multi-user mode. // This is relevant for routes that are shared between MUM and single-user mode. // Checks if the requesting user has the appropriate role to modify or call the URL. async function flexUserRoleValid(request, re...
publicRoutes: ["/"] });exportconstconfig = { matcher: ["/((?!.*\\..*|_next).*)","/","/(api|trpc)(.*)"], }; 此外,将以下新变更添加到.env.local 文件当中,以告知 Clerk 在需要重新定向时如何操作。 // other settings NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_SIGN_IN_URL=/sign-in ...