I've implemented this effect custom React Hook without using any other module. I added a hook code and an example. // Hook export const useScroll = () => { const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const ref = useRef<any>(null); const checkVisible = () => { const of...
and referring to this initScrollBarSync https://github.com/tanabe/markdown-live-preview/blob/main/public/js/main.js#L143 but still not luck. How do we implement it using this react monaco editor? Here is my below snippets: <MonacoEditor height="100%" defaultLanguage="markdown" theme="vs...
app.directive('infinite-scroll', {asyncmounted(el: InfiniteScrollEl, binding: DirectiveBinding<DirectiveOpt>) {awaitnextTick();// 确保父元素加载完毕const{ rate, load } =getOptions(binding);constonScroll= () => {// 向下刷新if(el.scrollTop+ el.clientHeight>= el.scrollHeight) {for(leti =;...