The mapbox_maps_flutter package is pretty much just maps, but it is an official package from Mapbox which aims to take a flutter-native approach. flutter_mapbox_navigation on the other hand is a community project which appears to depend on the native Android and iOS ...
// This call to setState tells the Flutter framework that something has // changed in this State, which causes it to rerun the build method below // so that the display can reflect the updated values. If we changed // _counter without calling setState(), then the build method would ...
export 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart'; export 'package:flutter_switch/flutter_switch.dart'; export 'package:font_awesome_flutter/font_awesome_flutter.dart'; export 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart'; export 'package:i18n_extension/i18n_widget.dart'; export 'package:...
Flutter Desktop Webview Plugingoogle/flutter-desktop-embedding#78 Closed stuartmorganaddedengineflutter/engine repository. See also e: labels.a: desktopRunning on desktopand removede: desktoplabelsJul 26, 2019 stuartmorganadded this to theGoalsmilestoneAug 13, 2019 ...
About two years ago, I wrote an article sharing how to build a Flutter barcode plugin with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader step by step. At that time, Flutter was still under development and only supported Android and iOS. Nowadays, Google has released Flutter 2, which allows developers to build ...
$ flutter run You’ll see something like this when you run it. In this screenshot, I am testing with an iOS simulator. That’s it! Hope this will be useful to those who are learning Flutter! All source code for this example is available in my github repo. ...
Add support for FFI leaf calls: No need to enter/leave safepoint - avoid few locked instructions No need to create exit frame or update Thread state No need to block all registers; callee-saved registers can still be live across the call...
Avoid the deprecated SkFilterQuality in the Engine APIs flutter/engine#24797 Merged flar mentioned this issue May 5, 2021 Add a bitmap operation property to transform widgets to enable/control bitmap transforms #76742 Merged rydmike mentioned this issue May 10, 2021 ImageShader not im...
0.14.0+4 google_sign_in: ^4.0.4 flutter_facebook_login: ^2.0.1 shared_preferences: ^0.5.3+4 flutter_svg: ^0.13.1 video_player: ^0.10.1+6 flutter_swiper : ^1.1.6 intl: ^0.15.8 transparent_image: ^1.0.0 cached_network_image: ^1.1.1 carousel_slider: ^1.3.0 flutter_radio: ^...
finalMap<String,dynamic> data=<String,dynamic>{}; data['ResultId']=resultId; data['Title']=title; data['SubTitle']=subTitle; data['Icon']=icon.toJson(); data['Preview']=preview.toJson(); data['ContextData']=contextData; data['RefreshInterval']=refreshInterval; ...