Inspire's device treats the problem by stimulating a nerve that controls key airway muscles so that they stay in place, rather than flopping around and interfering with breathing. Between 12 million and 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, according to the National Institutes of Health. It's ...
the tongue with a mild electrical current during sleep, and maybe it will stay toned and in place like it does during the day rather than becoming floppy.By the end of January, Minneapolis-based Inspire Medical Systems plans to begin enrolling 100 apnea patients in a key study in the U.S...
the tongue with a mild electrical current during sleep, and maybe it will stay toned and in place like it does during the day rather than becoming floppy.By the end of January, Minneapolis-based Inspire Medical Systems plans to begin enrolling 100 apnea patients in a key study in the U.S...
"I don't have any idea while I'm sleeping that it's on," says Krohn, the Minnesota man who'd given up on apnea treatment until volunteering for an early Inspire study last year - and says he now gets a good night's sleep. "It's a game-changer for me." A caveat: Potential pa...
例えば、2021年6月、Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.は、Inspire上気道刺激(UAS)システムによるインプラントおよび治療後の認知および表現言語の客観的変化を評価する臨床研究を後援した。このように、さまざまな閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群インプラントの有効性を実証するこのような研究は、予測期間中...