im·plant n. implante, cualquier material insertado o injertado en el cuerpo; v. implantar, injertar, insertar. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 implant n implante m; breast — implante mamario; cochlear — implante coclear; silicone — implante de silicona; vt impla...
measure and control the hydric and gas flow of solutes directly accessing the circulation and distribution channels of the plant, xylem and phloem, contributing to execute nutritive, preventive and healing process in cases of disease, plagues, nutritional or water lacks through a main body with a ...
stability during implant placement in soft bone. 通过该骨挤压器已获得专利认证的新型器械几何结构,能够改善骨密度,从而大大提到了在骨密度较低的位置上 进 行 种 植 时 的初 期稳 定性。 [...] mandate, including truth, justice and reconciliation; (b) coordinating ...
In fact, this is reasonable sinceimplantitems such as eye lens and artificial joint have become an essential part in today's medical treatment. 事實㆖,這也是合情合理的,因為體內儀器,如眼晶 片、㆟工關節,已成為現代醫療不可或缺的部分。
FFiFFviiivevve-eey---yeyyeaeearaarrfrofffoloollollllowoowww-u---uupupppeexeexaxxamaammminiiinnanataaittotiiionoonn:n:A::AAAftffeftttereerr5r 555yyeyyaeeearaasrrr,sss,a,, alaalllllpll ppaptaaaittetiiineeenntnstttssstrttterrraeeetaaaetttdeeedddwwwwitiihittthhhthttthheheeeabaaabobbvoooe...
experto en cirugía plástica, y a petición realiza explántación enbloque (siempre que sea posible) Para las chicas en Perú, lo recomiendo de todo corazón! No se arrepentirán.Brenda Narvaez February 3, 2024 at 10:17 pm - Reply Attachment Somebody have Eurosilicone Ref. 812N I ...
Al2O3 <0.5% <0.5% Other Oxide <0.3% <0.5% Exhibition Detailed Specification Item STML ISO 6872 Flexural Strength(Mpa) 1200 ≥800 Shrinkage Factor(%) 19~22 - Light Transmittance(%) 43 - Sintering Temperature 1530ºC - Certifications Packaging & Sh...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the water retaining polymer and influence of the different forms of mineral fertilization at growth, content and nutrient accumulation of a clonal hybrid of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis in the implantation phase...
(IC) y a la vez el retraso persistente en el desarrollo de la ToM en este colectivo plantea la necesidad de estudiar y explorar lo que ocurre con conductas precursoras de la ToM, tales como la comprensión de emociones, y ha alentado a las/os investigadores a continuar desarrollando ...
Al2O3喷砂种植体2) Amomum villosum cultivation 砂仁种植 1. A comparative study on Amomum villosum cultivation under tropical wet seasonal rainforest and secondary forest at Xishuangbanna; 西双版纳热带湿性季节雨林和次生林林下砂仁种植的比较研究3) Sandy soil plant 砂土种植...