A contagious skin infection, usually of children, that is caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and is marked by superficial pustules and thick yellow crusts, commonly on the face. [Middle English, from Latinimpetīgō, fromimpetere,to attack; seeimpetus.] ...
impetigo [im-pi-tahy-goh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Pathology. a contagious skin disease, especially of children, usually caused by streptococcal bacteria, marked by a superficial pustular eruption, particularly on the face. Discover More
A contagious skin infection, usually of children, that is caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and is marked by superficial pustules and thick yellow crusts, commonly on the face. [Middle English, from Latin impetīgō, from impetere, to attack; see impetus.] im′pe·tig′e·nous...
im•pe•ti•go(im′pi tī′gō),USA pronunciationn.[Pathol.] Pathologya contagious skin disease, esp. of children, usually caused by streptococcal bacteria, marked by a superficial pustular eruption, particularly on the face. Latinimpetīgō,equivalent. toimpet(ere) to make for, attack (...
A contagious skin infection, usually of children, that is caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and is marked by superficial pustules and thick yellow crusts, commonly on the face. [Middle English, from Latinimpetīgō, fromimpetere,to attack; seeimpetus.] ...
What is Impetigo? Impetigo is a very common skin infection seen mainly in children that is usually caused by a bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus (AKA Staph). It may occur anywhere on the skin, but usually in areas that have received some cut, trauma, bite, or abrasion. The face near ...
A contagious skin infection, usually of children, that is caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and is marked by superficial pustules and thick yellow crusts, commonly on the face. [Middle English, from Latin impetīgō, from impetere, to attack; see impetus.] im′pe·tig′e·nous...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook udder (redirected fromudder impetigo) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia a mammary gland, especially when baggy and with more than one teat, as in cows Not to be confused with: utter– speak or pronounce:Don’t utter a word.; complete; total; absolute:the utter ...
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.Rarely, impetigo can infect the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys. This can be fatal. Get medical help right away if you notice symptoms such as dark or bloody urine; swelling of your belly, face, eyes, feet, or ankles; or if you pee a lot less. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook neonatal impetigo [¦nē·ə′nād·əl ‚im·pə′tī‚gō] (medicine) A type of impetigo occurring in the newborn, characterized by bullae and caused by staphylococci or sometimes streptococci. ...