The meaning of ANTI-IMPERIALISM is opposition to or hostility toward imperialism. How to use anti-imperialism in a sentence.
MOTIVESTHAT CONTRIBUTED TOIMPERIALISMImperialismis defined in the dictionary as being a " The policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by establishing economic and political hegemony over other nations" (p 681 American Heritage college Dictionary). Usually people associatei...
s destiny for them to expand. Their dominance was not just inevitable, it was the right thing to do. Correspondingly, Imperialism was driven by the need for new markets to export goods to and the demand for raw materials. As written by U.S. Navy officer, Alfred T. Mahan, America’s ...
By contrast, empires, whatever their size and influence, are regional, or at best intracontinental entities, whose history is assumed to merit serious concern from only specific and more restricted portions of humanity. Colonialism is deemed to be one of the global forces that has defined the ...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Notes 1. This section of the chapter draws on Cole (2008, pp. 101–103). 2. A blatant example of enantiomorphism within the public sphere occurred at the end of ‘Britain’s Best: 2008’, an award...
was being anti-imperialist: analyzing the fact that the war wasn’t a well-intentioned mistake; that there is such a thing as imperialist. This position we should have articulated again and again in SDS and in the broader movement, but not at the cost of dividing the movement, as we did...
The ruse did not last long, however, as Chicago’s emerging black neighborhoods within the city’s South Side gave such a friendly reception to Tokahoma that Chicago manager Charles Comiskey recognized the deception and refused to play the game if Charlie Grant took the field. The greatest ...
"The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it." The annexation of Hawaii was only one of the goals of America's empire builders in the late 19th century. Hawaii's "Queen Lil" announced that if restored to power, she would behead...
I have the best wife in the world and she has been extremely understanding about my odd idea to start blogging, but there is one thing she is not too happy about and that is that I tend to leave printed copies of working papers scatted around our house. I must admit that I hate rea...
The modern examples of going too Far Left is the Communist nations. The ones that still survive are on life support. Only China remains as a power but China really is not Communist anymore; it is Fascist. There are examples of the Far Right as well, under the rule of aristocrats, dictat...