First arrived in Surat, India in 1608had a lot of influence and control Sepoys Indian troops who served in the British armynative Indian troops in India Sepoy Rebellion 1857 Also called the first war of Indian IndpendenceSepoys revolted against British East India Company b/c their religous ...
the execution of over 300 Indian civilians by British army officers in 1919 when Hindu Indians gathered for a religious festival The Raj the British Rule of India Seven Years War (1756 - 1763): war in Europe over the colonial rivalry between France and England and the struggle for supremacy ...
Were sold for a lot of profit, produced in India (such as cotton, jute, opium, indigo) Jewel in the Crown Britain considered India to be the brightest "jewel in the crown" because it was the largest supplier of raw materials for the British. With its large population, it was a large...
British rule over India 19個詞語 RosemaryDeDios 預覽 Political Democracy in Western Europe: 19th Century Developments 92個詞語 Devora_Jessica 預覽 Key Facts About NJ DECA and Its Structure 46個詞語 sasha_d_shi 預覽 Progressives 18個詞語 Abigail_Sajumon 預覽 Unit 4: Polson Review 34個詞語 J_...
Modern India Quiz 13個詞語 qiaot25 預覽 HIS 131 Midterm 44個詞語 chloecole123 預覽 Vocab 3-1 29個詞語 franda9130 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(59) new imperialism what years 1870-1914 Western countries were europe, america, canada, australia, new zealand, israel imperialism began in what century ...
To secure the route to India Which event highlighted the struggle for self-determination in colonized nations? The Algerian War of Independence What was a major cause of the Spanish-American War in 1898? The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor What was a significant impact of the cons...
A human-made waterway, which was opened in 1869, connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea Sepoy Indian soldiers "jewel in the crown" the British colony of India--- so called because of its importance in the British empire, both as a supplier of raw materials and as a market for...
Sepoy Rebellion An uprising of natives in India with a large number of causalities that ended the friendly relationship between India and the UK. USS Maine This ship's sinking began a push by the U.S. to annex Cuba.關於我們 關於Quizlet 職涯 廣告合作 取得應用程式 身為學生的你 單詞卡 測試...
He felt that if they did not, India would continue to be controlled by outsiders. Cecil JOhn Rhodes the empire builder; firm supporter in British imperialism; went to Africa for the diamonds Young Turks Society founded in 1889 in the Ottoman Empire; its goal was to restore the constitution ...
Movement of Boer (Dutch) settlers in Cape Colony of southern Africa to escape influence of British colonial government Sepoy Rebellion failed rebellion against the rule of the British East India Company in India Annexation Annexation is the formal act of a state acquiring territory, often through fo...