How did the Boxer Rebellion contribute to the fall of the Qing Dynasty? The rebellion severely weakened the Qing Dynasty, leading to its downfall in 1912 and the establishment of the Republic of China. 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 關於...
How did Western powers use war and diplomacy to gain power in Qing China? 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 For centuries, Chinese regulation has ensured that China had a favorable balance of trade with other nations By the 1800s, however, Western nations were using their own power to tilt the balance ...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China?, Which territory did the United States NOT gain direct control of after the Spanish-American War?, What ensured that Cuba would remain
China had a trade imbalance, they were importing a bunch and only exporting silver Social Darwinism A belief in a fake science that white Europeans were superior to anyone elseCountries felt like they needed to "save" one another White Man's Burden Poem written by Rudyard KiplingThe white man...
political revolution in Japan that made them more imperialistic Opium war war between Great Britain and China over restrictions to foreign trade, china didn't want Great Britain to trade opium to them because china got addicted to it Treaty of Kanazawa Forced Japan to open its western ports for...
A movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. imperialism A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Manchu Government the government in charge of China during the period of the Opium War (in the...
Ex. China divided up in spheres, controlled by different European nations Social Darwinism 19th century of belief that evolutionary ideas theorized by Charles Darwin could be applied to society. Trade deficite more import than exportOccurs when one country buys more goods from another country that ...
Colonial rule also secured ___ in the area by ending loca ___ crops, tools, methods, peace, warfare 4 types of imperial rule direct, indirect, protectorate, sphere of influence 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 ...
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