Quizlet Flash Cards, (History) 8個詞語 Lydia_Moore16 預覽 Kicklighter HIST 1020 Exam 2 164個詞語 joparrozzo 預覽 History 359 Final 70個詞語 meganmansfield4 預覽 Gov . Ch. 6 30個詞語 jesse4303 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(21) Imperialism (no wordbank) The effort by a powerful nation to create...
What is the definition of imperialism? The policy of a strong, well-developed nation acquiring control of a weaker , less-developed nation. What did the United States gain as a result of the peace treaty with Spain? the United States gained control over several territories, including Puerto Ri...
Emperor definition greatly respected figurehead of society but he did not rule Japan What did the Emperor not do surprisingly he did not rule Japan Shogun most powerful military lord who ruled Japan w/ his Bakfuku government Daimyo lords of baron who controlled their own regions in Japan Samurai...