It would be nice if people saw me the way I see myself.” Stories like these add up to a subtle argument: sexuality and gender are still being contested in western countries—no place can claim to have reached sexual modernity. As the book progresses, Gevisser increasingly catches himself—...
vibrant, beautiful friends, the same as those of us who survived, no more deserving of losing their lives than us. This loss can’t possibly be written off as a necessary consequence of war. Second, we in the leadership of Weatherman (predecessor to the Weather...
The United Nations is defined by principles of liberal internationalism, and sanctions are employed to keep states in line with shared norms and goals. Despite their coercive nature, sanctions provide a useful tool that ultimately supports global liberalism....
NATO’s new role and scope of activities in Afghanistan have been defined in theStatus of Forces Agreement(SOFA), a military cooperation treaty signed by newly elected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and NATO’s Senior Civilian Representative to Afghanistan Maurits Jochems onSept. 30, ahead of any ...
t think that regime uncertainty can explain the slow recovery in the US economy. As I see it regime uncertainty as defined by Higgs is a supply side phenomena. Therefore, we should expect a high level of regime uncertainty to lower real GDP growthANDincrease inflation. That is certainly not...
Literature1. Notes2. 6. Citation Introduction Inworldhistory,nocontinenthaspossessedsomanydifferentformsofcoloniesandnonehassoincomparablydefined accesstotheworldbymeansofacivilisingmissionasasecularprogrammeasdidmodernEurope.WhenSpainand PortugalpartitionedtheworldbysigningtheTreatyofTordesillas( MediaLink#ab)on7June...
To be sure, Russian postmodernism itself is by no means a monolithic and well- defined cultural paradigm. It has been characterized (in its literary, artistic, and philosophical variants) as a continuation of the traditions of the Silver Age (Lipovetsky and Borenstein 1999); as a reflection on...
220) and that the “infrastructure of salvation” can be protected only by “a great state” (ibid, p. 285). Here again, great-powerness is fused with the image of Holy Rus’, defined by Kholmogorov as “that stable condition, that manifestation of Christ and His true Church in the ...
empiresystem), is not founded upon the directimpositionofpoliticalpower by one society upon another. Instead, neo-imperialism uses the power ofmoneyin the modern world as a way for richer countries to keep poorer countries from stepping outside of the roles that richer countries have defined for...