[1] Admiral Pellaeon held the rank of Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet,[4] and by 28 ABY had become a Grand Admiral.[44] He was the leader of the Remnant despite being technically subordinate to the organization's Council of Moffs.[5] The Moffs appointed him Supreme Commander,[6...
Her first and only commander was Polish-born (then born in Arkhangelsk from an ethnic Polish nobility) Captain 1st RankEdward Szczęsnowicz, which follow her after completion and up to her commission. She started her initial training and shakedown cruise with her Russian crew on 13 May UT (...
As a further reinforcement of family ties, King Frederick William IV presented Queen Louise with the insignia of the Order of Queen Louise in the rank of Dame First Class which she wore to the state banquet that evening, the King beside her wearing the insignia of a Knight of the Order...